Problem Statement and Market Research
What is the current problem in crypto market and what does the data suggest?
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What is the current problem in crypto market and what does the data suggest?
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Good to know: GrowLimitLess is the unified crypto interface where you can link multiple wallets like MetaMask, Rainbow, Trust Wallet against your phone / email and even select a primary receiving wallet.
An estimated global crypto ownership rate at an average of 3.9%, with over 300 million crypto users worldwide. And over 18,000 businesses are already accepting cryptocurrency payments.
Metamask is also identified as the gateway to the decentralised web. When we are talking of a whopping 5 Million plus active metamask users, this easily volumes about the adoption rate and the amount of people who are aware of this new regime.
Cryptocurrency crime had a record-breaking year in 2021, with a new report finding scammers took $14 billion worth of crypto last year. Thatâs nearly twice the $7.8 billion taken by scammers in 2020, according to blockchain data firm Chainanalysisâ â2022 Crypto Crime Report,â findings. According to a recent study by Chainanalysis, around 20% of all Bitcoins are lost in the ether (no pun intended) and unrecoverable, because of unfortunate typos in wallet addresses.
A record $51 billion USD worth of cryptocurrencies were swiped off as a result of the recent FTX collapse. Almost similar fate has been there for exchanges like Voyager, Genesis, BlockFI and many others.