💡How It Works

Good to know: Everytime you invite your friend who has not yet connected his email/phone with our app, both you and your invitee friend get rewarded with 50 GLL tokens (native token of GrowLimitLess)

Built on top of our patent pending Unified Crypto Interface protocol, and deployed to the Kardiachain Galaxias Mainnet, GrowLimitless web app is a simple and easy to use dApp that allows users to send crypto/NFT to phone number or email or QR . A user can have multiple wallets linked to the same phone / email with the power to choose a primary.

Along with the interface we are building an Oracle which can be easily integrated across other dApps as well as normal e-commerce websites.

The P2P user journey can be as simplified as below-

Step 1 : Connect Your Wallet

Step 2. Link Your Phone / Email

Step 3. Verify the OTP

Step 4. Share Your QR / Phone / Email To Start Receiving Crypto

Step 5. Send Crypto to QR/Phone/Email

The B2B/B2C/C2C payment gateway journey-

Step 1 : Merchant onboarding

Step 2. Apply KYC

Step 3. Get API Key

Step 4. Connect Your Self Custodian Business Wallet

Step 5. Integrate with your e-commerce portal

Step 6 Report/View your transactions from your dashboard

Some Pointers

Borderless Payments

GrowLimitess is enabling the ease of cross border payments. Currently we are launching from Vietnam and slowly expanding to India and other south asian countries to Europe and USA.

Instant Payments, Very Less Transaction Fees

During our first launch we are doing live in the Kardiachain network, which has very low gas fees, thus essentially allowing you to do fast, secure transactions at very low gas fees. Currently our app supports the transfer of the following cryptocurrencies - USDT, KAI, ETH and all other cryptocurrencies currently listed in the Kardiachain network.

Easy Fiat to Crypto Ramp

One thing that sets GrowLimitless app far apart from other payment solutions is the fiat to crypto ramp. We are partnering with Stripe to bring this feature, so that users do not need to remain dependant on centralized exchanges.

Easy Acceptance of Crypto For E-Commerce Businesses

We understand the power of simplicity. What it means for any e-commerce business, shop or freelancer, is that you can easily share your QR from your app through any messaging channels of your choice. Payments happen at lightning speed.

Cross Chain Compatibility

We understand the power of regulation. Hence we are making our protocol to be cross chain compatible and currently working towards getting adopted by Polygon and Binance.

Regulated Stablecoins

The way of mass adoption certainly starts from regulation. USDC is currently the world's first powerful regulated stablecoin, and this can be used as a medium of exchange through our app / payment gateway.

Spend In Real Life with GrowLimitless Cards Program

The way of mass adoption certainly starts from usage in real life. GrowLimitless is working in securing visa enabled cards which can be swiped in real life while user's crypto balances being swiped in real time at real market rates.

Last updated