💲Our Monetization

Good to know: GrowLimitLess has an inherent ecosystem of its own which shall generate revenue for the years to come.

GrowLimitLess monetisation plan works around the following ways:

  1. SaaS based app payments in the form of native GLL tokens

  2. In App advertising revenue from mobile app

  3. In App sponsorships with other dApps for loyalty token integrations

  4. Direct revenue from our API customers in SaaS based on chain model

  5. Percentage revenue for every crypto based invoice payment, through smart contracts

  6. Direct revenue through our app once integrated to Salesforce, Shopify and other platforms

Form of Payment

Every user of GLL will be empowered and KYC verified to spend their digital currencies in real life using our cards program.

Freelancers will be able to use our app to send invoices to anyone in the world and get paid in digital currencies.

For businesses, we will introduce the GLL payment gateway that allows businesses to receive digital currencies in their self custodian wallet, which can be reported and accounted at the real time market rates (through Coinmarketcap API)

Last updated